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Petition in Favor of Greenlandic Prosperity and Security

"Greenland is a wonderful place. We need fair, international security, and I am sure that Denmark will come along" - President Trump.

Our goal is to get 30,000 registered Greenlanders to sign in support of Greenlandic Prosperity and Security. Come Along! By signing below, I am pledging my support for Greenland to become part of the United States.

If you sign this petition and verified, you will receive $100 USD. You will also receive $100 USD for every verified referral. And if Greenland becomes part of the United States, you will have a chance to earn $1,000,000 USD.

Will only be used to confirm you are the legitimate petition signer. No other purpose.
Format: xx xx xx (6 digits)

Each person may only sign this petition once. Eligible people may only list one eligible person as their referrer. Signing the petition on behalf of another person is not permitted.